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We Are Reclaiming America

We can ensure an America that is free for future generations. We can preserve the rights under our founding documents. We can reclaim the America we love.

Our Favorite Constitutional Framers

Each of these men were part of a class of thinkers and doers Mountain States regularly aspires to emulate. We celebrate them on this happy Constitution Day!

We’re Not Finished

Mountain States seeks to not only address past injustices, but also to send a clear message to those in power: discrimination has consequences.

Incoherence in Alaska

Balancing conservation and economic growth in Alaska’s Arctic might be complex.  But we must challenge an executive branch that acts unlawfully.

The NCAA’s Moral Failure

Riley’s assertion highlights a crucial question: Does the language we are compelled to use align with reality?

College Football Economics

The free market economy is often demonized, but it allows universities to earn more money so that they can pour into the development of their students.

Join the Fight

Since 1977, MSLF has fought to protect private property rights, individual liberties, and economic freedom. MSLF is a nonprofit public interest legal foundation. We represent clients pro bono and receive no government funding. Make your 100% tax deductible contribution today and join the fight.

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